By registering yourself in the Regional Industry Directory you accept the following privacy policy.
All the information you provide during your registration will be publicly available, except for the information you provide under “persons of contact”. This is only visible to those within Eastern Norwegian Film Center. This is also explained during the registration process.
The following information is mandatory (marked with *). This will be publicly available:
- Your / your company’s name
- Your key function
- Your description / bio
- Names and titles of key people in the company.
The following information is non-obligatory to fill in, but should you do so, it will be publicly available:
- Adress, zip code, city and country
- Contact info (e-mail, phone) under “Key people in the company”.
- Links to homepage, social media, links to media, logo and photos.
Eastern Norwegian Film Center can share all the information you have provided with interested parties. For example, the film commission, film- and game producers looking for crew members, etc. By registering you will also check that:
- You consent to having your information disclosed in accordance with the privacy policy.
- You consent to Østnorsk Filmsenter having the ability to share my contact information with interested parties.