Sagatoon AS / Kristian Kamp/Jørn Kolsrud/Johnny Carlsen

Stavenga 12, 2319

About the company

Key function: Regissør (Director), Manusforfatter (Writer), Produsent (Producer), and Illustrator/Design

SAGATOON is an independent film production company located in Hamar, Norway. The company's main focus is development of intellectual property (IP) for CG animated feature films and television series. Sagatoon is primarily a creative company: A producer of stories targeted at the widest possible audience. Our aim is to create ideas, develop stories, and package projects for feature film and television production.

Key people in the company

Director/Writer/ProducerKristian Kamp
Managing Director/Writer/ProducerJørn Kolsrud
Illustrator/WriterJohnny Carlsen


Film & TV: 

Production Companies: 
  • Feature Films Cinema & TV
  • Animation
  • TV: Series, shows, Magazines
