Hanne Sundby

Fabelaktiv AS, Stangevegen 15, Fabelaktiv AS, 2317

About the company

Key function: CEO, Fabelaktiv AS

Hanne Sundby is CEO at Fabelaktiv AS (see description below and under company registration). Financial- and administrations manager, backoffice and facilitator for all projects and activities in Fabelaktiv. Responsible for sustainability in all aspects, internal as well as in collaboration with other partners.

ABOUT FABELAKTIV: Fabelaktiv is one of the largest independant production companies in Norway, established in 1985. We develop, plan and execute ideas and productions for both local, national and international distribution. Distribution platforms span from tv, web, SoMe, podcast, scene, events – our playground is every form of screen and platform available. Our speciality has been, and still is, our productions for children and the young audience, and we are also known for many documentary series as well as numerous studio productions for our national lottery drawing company Norsk Tipping. We deliver high quality productions for both public and private institutions and companies. For several years we have been a chosen partner for Talent Norges regional and national talent development programs in our field of business.

As the very first production company in Norway, Fabelaktiv was awarded the International Emmy Kids Award for our concept and production Energy Survival (Energikampen), produced in 12 seasons. Many other productions have also received national and international awards and nominations.

We thrive to develop and bring to life the very best ideas, concepts and programmes together with all our good friends, it be customers and clients, freelancers, distribution channels, financing partners, co-production partners, public or private entities. We wish to be the home of honest, brave yet thorough, unpretentious, inclusive and professional cooperation with all parties involved to bring forward the best possible products to the intended audience and beyond.

We hold an important and visible influence position, especially towards the young audience, and are very conscious about our responsibility regarding sustainability in all aspects. We are certified as Eco-lighthouse (in Norwegian: Miljøfyrtårn) and abide by UN SDGs (United Nations Sustainable Development Goals).

Key people in the company

CEOHanne Sundby


Film & TV: 

Production Companies: 
  • Documentary Cinema & TV
  • TV (studio)
  • TV: Series, shows, Magazines
  • Advertising & Image Films
